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Below are links to several helpful maths websites that provide fun games and activities to help your child become more confident in maths.
Some of these are used in school, however they are expanding and changing all the time and parents are advised to keep a check on the sites themselves.
An extensive web
site that is broken
down into year
groups and then into
different maths
topic areas, so
would be helpful for
finding an area for
revision quickly
site that is broken
down into year
groups and then into
different maths
topic areas, so
would be helpful for
finding an area for
revision quickly
The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.
Clare Primary School, 58 Cloghoge Rd, Tandragee, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT62 2HB | Tel: 028 3884 0843